Priti Patel needs to be forced out... out of the country ! If it wasn't bad enough that tax payers have had to pay out hundreds of thousands of pounds in settlements after she was found guilty of bullying her staff according to reports the Home secretary Priti Patel is wanting covid19 rules against protesting to stay in place even after the pandemic has ended to stop people from protesting against the government. Stupid cow worshipping bitch.

#PritiPatel #Paki #HomeSecretary #PoliceState #Dictatorship
JamEs: I am sick to death of the tories. All they are are a bunch of fascist authoritarians and the only thing they conserve is their own wealth.
talkingcat: How predictable!
farce: We will turn in Myanmar or Hong Kong if we are not careful. Traitors such as Boris Johnson, Priti Patel, Matt Hancock need to be kicked out.