Watch out for Professor Jeremy Brown he is a LIAR and a SADISTIC PHYCHOPATH! Don't not believe a word this guy has to say. On BBC news last night he started going on about how lockdown and restrictions should go on after June 21st the day set out by the government for the end of all restrictions. He is saying all of this when the country is only having 6 deaths per day of covid and many more people are dying of suicide and other things related to the lockdown and restrictions. If you research Professor Jeremy Brown he is one evil guy. For example a couple months ago he said "People would die" taking the vaccine but that doesn't matter to him! It is evident that this jerk doesn't care about saving lives he just a Stalinist who is loving the pandemic and loving the power and control he is having on peoples lives. #FAKE #COVID #LIAR #EVIL #ProfessorJeremyBrown
Bingo Wings: Oh and another ting he apparently is saying is that young people should stay in lockdown until they are vaccinated...
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Freedom Fighter: Another drug pusher paid by the big drug companies to keep the pandemic plates spinning to maximise profits of vaccine sales. I bet he advocates new born babies get vaccinated even though all data shows that young people do not get affected at all by the virus.
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