A lot of the Afghan people fleeing from the Taliban need to be preached too. If they do not like the Taliban and Sharia law then they must not like the Koran or Muhammad's teachings because thats all the Taliban are adhering to. Just because you were born a muslim doesn't mean you have to stay a muslim. Preaching to these people will do a more good than some simply westernizing them but in the liberal world for some reason thats not allowed anymore maybe they should be the ones to decide not the liberals.
Boris Johnson and Professor Chris Whitty are now saying that even with both doses of the vaccine you shouldn't hug your loved ones because the vaccines are not 100% effective. What the hell is the point of them then? With these two commies in charge we will never get back our freedoms. #Covid #plandemic
Do not trust or rely on your politicians they are in the pockets of the Chinese communist party.
The WHO which is run by communist professors and FAKE scientists are helping to orchestrate this attack by the Chinese communist party on our democracy and freedoms. We must fight back.
The NHS is now sending covid19 patients to hospices to receive care. This is why the UK has one of the highest death rates in the world its because they are actively sending highly infectious people to places such as care homes and hospices to infect and kill the most vulnerable people in society. This is GENOCIDE right before our very eyes. The government needs to be stopped.

Remember this back in summer when NHS doctors and Nurses protested in the streets for more money whilst patients choked to death in their hospital beds.

Bingo Wings: I see no social distancing there. I guess when your holding a socialist workers or a black lives matters protesting sign then you are immune.
China and the world health organization need to pay for what they have done to the world!

For under 40's covid19 has a death rate of 0.01%. Yet lockdown and restrictions are mainly destroying young peoples lives (lockdown and restrictions are not even stopping old people dying anyway). Causing mass unemployment, mental health problems etc.. Far more young people will die of suicide this year than covid19!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#covid19 #endlockdown
Face masks are hijabs for your mouth.
You can now get a 10 year prison sentence in the UK for breaking covid19 travel restrictions. Instead of simply closing the borders Boris Johnson government would rather throw everyone in prison instead.

#covid19 #lockdown
dog: That is insane!