It would seem that the BBC is even more communist than the Chinese communist party. Last night on the main news they did a really loooong boring news report that basically critiqued the chinses communist party for lifting covid mandates. I don't know why on earth they think we are bothered about what going on in china anyway... but any excuse for BBC to rant about having covid lockdowns etc I guess...
In the report like usual they brought on a bunch of unknown quack scientists saying that millions of people will now die in China because of the lifting of restrictions and all that other fake bullshit covid statistics and models. The world has moved on BBC you covid obsessed control freaks.
Its time we got rid of this Marxist crap broadcaster that we as tax payers are FORCED to fund. We do not live in North Korea and must have a state funded propaganda channel. So you bunch of fake journalists and commies go get a real job low life scum. #BBC
In the report like usual they brought on a bunch of unknown quack scientists saying that millions of people will now die in China because of the lifting of restrictions and all that other fake bullshit covid statistics and models. The world has moved on BBC you covid obsessed control freaks.
Its time we got rid of this Marxist crap broadcaster that we as tax payers are FORCED to fund. We do not live in North Korea and must have a state funded propaganda channel. So you bunch of fake journalists and commies go get a real job low life scum. #BBC
What's up buttercup: They have been putting some absolute garbage on tv for Christmas this year.
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Seriously the BBC needs to be scrapped. Why should we be forced to pay a tv license just to have the BBC promote their communist propaganda non stop. Also I hate all the sadistic journalists literally grinning whilst they talk about rising taxes, bills and poor people struggling... but that's to be expected after all it is the BBC the home of Jimmy Saville. #BBC #BOYCOTT
It didn't take the BBC long to make up some fake news crap about Ghana "students" suffering from racism at the Polish/Ukrainian border. They are not so called students all these Africans we are seeing at the borders pushing Ukrainian women and children out the way are fucking parasite migrants who are just there to try to get into Europe. Why don't they prove their worth first before getting into Europe and actually fight the soviets?? Nope Africans don't fight because they are just lazy cowards who will rape the white women whilst the white men are fighting for their country. #BBC #FAKENEWS
All covid restrictions may be lifted a month earlier than planned according to the government. Which is good news!!!! However the bbc and the lanky twat health correspondent Hugh Pym is trying their best to pressure the government and stop this from going ahead bringing on fake scientists after fake scientists to talk about how its a bad idea and using ONS data which is just speculative nonsense and not even based on actual real cases. The bbc is using this fake data to now tell everyone that covid cases are going up. FUCK THE BBC FAKE NEWS PEDDLING COMMIE TWATS!
This really has annoyed me. The BBC's constant trolling and fear mongering is going to push some people mental health too far. Hugh Pym should be a shamed of himself that smirking sadist I hope he gets lynch mobbed outside bbc hq! I dont get forced to pay my tv licesnse for these bunch of communist dickheads to tell me what to do.
This really has annoyed me. The BBC's constant trolling and fear mongering is going to push some people mental health too far. Hugh Pym should be a shamed of himself that smirking sadist I hope he gets lynch mobbed outside bbc hq! I dont get forced to pay my tv licesnse for these bunch of communist dickheads to tell me what to do.
Feeling... crappy: Hugh Pym is a crap journalist who is using covid fake news to keep himself in a job.
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A BBC reporter has just said on the news that it will be interesting to see what will happen when this new variant hits a more immunized country. I don't believe that this new covid variant will do anything but for a news reporter to appear on the news and hope that it does something is just disgusting. The BBC news is a disgrace!!! For past couple days now they have been trying to terrify everyone with news of a new variant but they don't actually have any real scientific evidence to back up their claims. All they can come up with are a few comments from crap fake scientists such as Professor Ravi Gupta who has been WRONG all through this pandemic with his made up doomsday nonsense. The BBC news should stop trolling peoples mental health and FUCK OFF! #BBC #FAKENEWS #COVID #PLANDEMIC