Apparently we will see more covid restrictions after new year. Boris Johnson is a perfect example of a leader using the plandemic, covid restrictions and the vaccine rollout to hang onto power. That sack of shit needs to be kicked out pronto. He has destroyed and is continuing to destroy our country. He is dangerous and just like a dictator no matter how messed up he makes things he wont ever resign. #BorisJohnson #Plandemic #Covid #lockdown
In my opinion Boris Johnson is deliberately using the omicron variant as a way to distract from his political problems and falling approval ratings. For some odd reason the vaccine rollout had a positive impact on Boris Johnsons crap approval ratings because people started getting their lives back after Boris took them he is inventing a crisis out of the omicron variant and using the booster rollout to show that he is tackling this non existent crisis. A storm in a tea cup is what South African health officials have called the reaction of big western countries to omicron. #BorisJohnson #Plandemic #Covid19
What planet is Boris Johnson on??? He has now heralded the pull out of Afghanistan as one of the greatest military achievements in the last 50 years. He has said this after a whistle-blower revealed the true extent of the incompetence of the planning and preparations of the withdrawal which led many people including US soldiers to be killed. We are being led by a complete and utter retard who belongs in a mental asylum not running the country. #BorisJohnson #Moron
Bozo Johnson is not ruling out further even harsher covid restrictions on top of the ones he has already reintroduced this is despite in summer promising that the rollout back of covid restrictions would be irreversible and we wouldn't have them again. The scruffy moron is a complete liar who is always telling people what they want to hear at the time and then going back on it later... hopefully when his voters arent listening. #BorisJohnson #Covid #LIAR
Boris Johnson was an utter an embarrassment talking about peppa pig during a serious business conference. Maybe it was way of distracting from the social care bill being voted in yesterday or something so the newspapers talk about that rather than how he is ripping off everyone. Either way this nasty fool should not be prime minister.
#BorisJohnson #JOKE
#BorisJohnson #JOKE
Economically illiterate Boris Johnson is now going to increase public sector wages and at the same time increase the national minimum wage! This may sound good but it will create a false economy. It is all an attempt from the fat corrupt liar to artificially bump up peoples wages and make it look as though he is doing a good job when in fact people will be worse off because it will simply result in higher taxes and prices for goods and services at a time when they are already too high and people are struggling! #Tories #BorisJohnson #Economy
The pathetic excuse for a Prime minister that is Boris Johnson has been sucking up to Joe Biden and calling him a "breathe of fresh air" compared to Donald Trump this week to try to get a trade deal with America. However the UK will NOT be getting a trade deal with America despite his pathetic efforts. His brown nosing just proves how much of a creep and a two faced liar Boris Johnson actually is. Meanwhile back here in Britain whilst bozo was wasting his time we are seeing a massive energy crisis that will see unprecedented supply shortages, huge surges in all our energy bills that will hit the poorest very very hard this winter thanks to the governments incompetence. I really do wish this fat tramp resigns as prime minister ASAP. #BorisJohnson #JoeBiden #Farce
It is official Boris Johnson will impose vaccine passports at the end of September. This will mean that if you want to go anywhere where there are people such as concerts, nightclubs, pubs, restaurants etc you will need to be double vaccinated. This decision was made months and months ago so their is no science behind it just another dogmatic decision making from a bunch of communist professors and corrupt politicians wanting more control over peoples lives. Boris is also pushing for all children to be vaccinated even though Covid used to be a virus that just affected the most vulnerable and elderly... but now the communists have turned it into a disease that will kill you instantly if you don't do what they say. Boris Johnson is the worst prime minister in British history he is basically trying to be Xi Jinping. #BorisJohnson #Tories #politics #Covid
Feeling... crappy: So now we will have to share our what should be confidential medical records with a random bouncer outside a nightclub... WOW!
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Don't worry guys after 18 months of government restrictions and lockdowns that have destroyed our businesses and social lives Boris now plans on increasing taxes!!! Boris Johnson is not a conservative the only thing he conserves is his own wealth. #Politics #Tories #BorisJohnson
Donald Trump gave his wages as President away because he was rich enough and was there to actually make a change. According to Dominic Cummings who was Boris Johnsons former chief advisor Boris plans to quit being prime minister in a few years because all through the plandemic he has been whining about how £150k a year isn't enough for him and he wants to get back to "having fun and making lots of money". He is a dreadful corrupt little man with zero integrity or honour who sees politics as a way to get rich quick scheme.
#BorisJohnson #Currupt #GREED
#BorisJohnson #Currupt #GREED