The trolls have surfaced yet again!!! The scumbag so called scientists are appearing on the news yet again demanding the government impose more restrictions and a winter lockdown. Lockdown ruined peoples, lives businesses and social lives. Never have I heard so many reports of CHILDREN committing suicide during lockdown because of how it made them feel. Lockdown ruins lives and DOES NOT WORK!!! These scumbag fake scientists are using the restrictions and lockdown as a threat to get people who do not even need a vaccine to get vaccinated so that big pharma the ones sponsoring these tyrants get more PROFIT!!! Something needs to be done about these troll fake scientist appearing on tv all the time sucking peoples hope away... just the thought of going back into lockdown again for some on the edge could lead them to suicide. Its very serious so these rats need drowning. #Lockdown #Fake #Covid
PCR tests cannot tell the difference between covid19 and other viruses this is a FACT. That is why covid cases are so high because they are basically counting all viruses as covid. It is also no mystery that people catch infections in hospitals. If you are using mass PCR tests in hospitals of course you will be getting a lot of positive results this does not mean that those people have covid and are seriously ill with it and need hospital treatment. I am not saying that covid isn't out there and isn't killing VULNERABLE and elderly people but the "scientists" are skewing the figures making covid look more infectious and deadlier than it actually is because they have vested interests on making the pandemic last for as long as possible $$$
So called "Doctor" Chaand Nagpaul CBE Chair of the Council of the British Medical Association needs to be struck off. He is a liar. Appearing on the news he is advocating keeping lockdown and restrictions forever saying that we don't want to lose the gains that we have made in the last months... It is obvious that he is not a real doctor at all. He is not thinking about the wider picture or about saving lives. He is deliberately ignoring the destruction and death that lockdown and restrictions are having and wants to keep everyone controlled and restricted forever. #ChaandNagpaul #Covid #FAKE
Watch out for Professor Jeremy Brown he is a LIAR and a SADISTIC PHYCHOPATH! Don't not believe a word this guy has to say. On BBC news last night he started going on about how lockdown and restrictions should go on after June 21st the day set out by the government for the end of all restrictions. He is saying all of this when the country is only having 6 deaths per day of covid and many more people are dying of suicide and other things related to the lockdown and restrictions. If you research Professor Jeremy Brown he is one evil guy. For example a couple months ago he said "People would die" taking the vaccine but that doesn't matter to him! It is evident that this jerk doesn't care about saving lives he just a Stalinist who is loving the pandemic and loving the power and control he is having on peoples lives. #FAKE #COVID #LIAR #EVIL #ProfessorJeremyBrown
Bingo Wings: Oh and another ting he apparently is saying is that young people should stay in lockdown until they are vaccinated...
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Freedom Fighter: Another drug pusher paid by the big drug companies to keep the pandemic plates spinning to maximise profits of vaccine sales. I bet he advocates new born babies get vaccinated even though all data shows that young people do not get affected at all by the virus.
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Boris Johnsons is not a conservative. Thanks to his government by 2030 we will not even be able to choose what type of car we can buy. Petrol and diesel cars will be banned and we will be only allowed to buy electric cars. I have no doubt that Boris Johnson's dad Stanley Johnson who is an old communist fart who still campaigns in his 80s for more government regulation to stop climate change helped influence this decision.
It was pretty pathetic seeing all those World health organization fake scientists and professors going to China to investigate the origins of covid19 only to conclude with no evidence at all that China had nothing to do with it. They reminded me of those sad old Marxists who join groups like the North Korean friendship association and go on sight seeing trips to North Korea.
#WHO #Covid19 #China #Communists #FAKE #CoverUp
#WHO #Covid19 #China #Communists #FAKE #CoverUp
Mike Tildesley is a fake scientist. Appearing on the news today Mike Tildesley who is part of the SAGE group advising the government said that lockdown maybe even longer because of the south African variant because the vaccines wont protect you against it. HOWEVER it should be noted that his claims are totally baseless and he has no scientific evidence to back this up. He is not a scientist but a Marixst who wants us all to live under the "new normal" indefinitely and is using fake science to try to push his political agenda.
Scum bags such as these should not be part of sage advising the government and these opportunist Marxist pricks are part of the reason why the UK is one of the worst hit countries in the world by the pandemic.
#MikeTildesley #FAKE #Covid19 #Marxist
Scum bags such as these should not be part of sage advising the government and these opportunist Marxist pricks are part of the reason why the UK is one of the worst hit countries in the world by the pandemic.
#MikeTildesley #FAKE #Covid19 #Marxist
What's up buttercup: Yes these scientists are at best nasty trolls. His comments will surely cause suicides stripping peoples hope away from them and making out this will never end is down right evil.
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