It didn't take the BBC long to make up some fake news crap about Ghana "students" suffering from racism at the Polish/Ukrainian border. They are not so called students all these Africans we are seeing at the borders pushing Ukrainian women and children out the way are fucking parasite migrants who are just there to try to get into Europe. Why don't they prove their worth first before getting into Europe and actually fight the soviets?? Nope Africans don't fight because they are just lazy cowards who will rape the white women whilst the white men are fighting for their country. #BBC #FAKENEWS
All covid restrictions may be lifted a month earlier than planned according to the government. Which is good news!!!! However the bbc and the lanky twat health correspondent Hugh Pym is trying their best to pressure the government and stop this from going ahead bringing on fake scientists after fake scientists to talk about how its a bad idea and using ONS data which is just speculative nonsense and not even based on actual real cases. The bbc is using this fake data to now tell everyone that covid cases are going up. FUCK THE BBC FAKE NEWS PEDDLING COMMIE TWATS!
This really has annoyed me. The BBC's constant trolling and fear mongering is going to push some people mental health too far. Hugh Pym should be a shamed of himself that smirking sadist I hope he gets lynch mobbed outside bbc hq! I dont get forced to pay my tv licesnse for these bunch of communist dickheads to tell me what to do.
This really has annoyed me. The BBC's constant trolling and fear mongering is going to push some people mental health too far. Hugh Pym should be a shamed of himself that smirking sadist I hope he gets lynch mobbed outside bbc hq! I dont get forced to pay my tv licesnse for these bunch of communist dickheads to tell me what to do.
Feeling... crappy: Hugh Pym is a crap journalist who is using covid fake news to keep himself in a job.
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**BEGIN RANT** Bring back the times when the main headline in the news wasn't the same old covid covid covid. Its been like this for months... YEARS!!! They are picking the easy covid headlines rather than doing real journalism and reporting on something different and NEW because they are lazy, stupid and communist. BBC news are relentlessly talking about pressure on the NHS almost as though they are trying to push the government into another lockdown they can piss right off that just not how democracy works. Also I don't get forced to pay my tv license every year for the BBC to do this...bunch of overpaid communists go get a real job! **RANT OVER**
What's up buttercup: Spoke to soon.. today a black man died so that is big enough for the BBC to knock covid off the top spot on the news LOL!
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FAKE scaremongering scientists who were trying to ruin Christmas have been proven WRONG! Studies now indicate that people are 50-70% less likely to need hospital treatment for covid than with the delta variant. The benign virus just got even more benign. All is well!
#FakeNews #Covid #Omicron #Christmas
#FakeNews #Covid #Omicron #Christmas
JamEs: @benjaminstyles yes Christmas despite the best efforts of the drug pushing fake "scientists" didn't manage to cancel Christmas. Hope fauci and Biden didn't cancel or restrict yours!
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Just watched BBC news.. oh dear! Now the fake scientists are trying to use the flu to lock us all down again for winter. Saying that everyone will get bad flu and die because it hasn't been spreading as much. They said this exact same crap last year and flu never arrived. As long as people are sensible around old and vulnerable people and don't go coughing all over them everything will be fine. These fake Marxists scientist who CAUSED the pandemic all need to be shot. These communists are desperate to control our lives and take away our freedoms. #BBCNEWS #FAKENEWS #PLANDEMIC #COVID #COMMUNISTS
JamEs: @benjaminstyles yes your right and I am glad I don't think any country in the world can afford another lockdown. It wads a bit delayed but now as things are running out the real economic hit is starting because of lockdown and China messing things up.
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