Professor Ravi Gupta is behind the push to delay ending lockdown until EVERYBODY in the country has had 2 full doses of covid vaccine. Today he appeared yet again on BBC news trying to push for lockdown to not be eased and to have even more restrictions! I have no doubt that Ravi Gupta is a drug pusher being paid by the vaccine companies to do this. Even though he has no evidence (In fact one of the excuses from the scientists on delaying lockdown is that they need more data) he persists on spreading fake news about new variants and third waves. The truth is that we are seeing less deaths and less serious cases than ever. Lockdown is causing more harm than good but scum like Ravi Gupta know this but don't care about pushing people under the lockdown bus.
Why doesn't this cow worshiping marxist just get back on his magic carpet and fly off back to India!
#RaviGupta #FAKENEWS #Covid #Endlockdown
Why doesn't this cow worshiping marxist just get back on his magic carpet and fly off back to India!
#RaviGupta #FAKENEWS #Covid #Endlockdown
What's up buttercup: Yes we are seeing a big third wave of virus in the form of so called scientists appearing on news. They are so scared that their new world order may start to crumble so need to claw it back.
Feeling... crappy: These Professors are ruining everything. We need to fight for our freedom and if these professor want to get in the way of that then they better live with the consequences or rather not.
farce: This whole plandemic is really getting on my nerves now. These professors are really stupid they don't have security like politicians do and they are pissing off ALOT of people and causing a lot of mental illness out there with their lockdowns. Dickheads like ravi gupta will get what they deserve soo enough.
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Fake scientist Professor Ravi Gupta is calling for a delay to easing lockdown and restrictions because he says that we are in a third wave.. even though deaths and hospitalizations are LOWER than they were 15 months ago before we went into lockdown. He has ZERO evidence but talks as though what he is saying fact when its just his OPINION. He talks about the Indian variant fuelling this third wave.. but the only Indian variant I see causing death and misery is Ravi Gupta. People will hear his comments and lose hope because of them. We are losing more people to suicide than covid19 and it is EVIL sadistic marxists like him fuelling this pandemic. There seems to be a never ending supply of these professors feeding off peoples misery like the sadistic trolls that they are! #RaviGupta #covid #endLockdown
Freedom Fighter: It pays their wages to come up with this rubbish just Ignore them for the sake of your sanity 🙂
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