What Joe Biden has done is a massive insult to all those who died during 911 and has meant 20 years of fighting has resulted in NOTHING!!! So what if Bin laden is dead that's if he really is dead.. there will always be another Mohammad worshipper to take his place.
The democrats seem to be the best at helping the Muslims takeover the world with Jihad. If Obama helping create ISIS wasn't enough the democrats have now armed and created a new Islamic super army of terrorists. Before isis did terrible and evil things but were partially distracted with getting bombed and having to fight in Syria and Iraq now imagine a terrorist group that has no distractions and is armed with $63 billion worth of the best military equipment. Things are gonna get really bad in the world now. #Democrats #Afghanistan #ISIS #Taliban #Joebiden
The democrats seem to be the best at helping the Muslims takeover the world with Jihad. If Obama helping create ISIS wasn't enough the democrats have now armed and created a new Islamic super army of terrorists. Before isis did terrible and evil things but were partially distracted with getting bombed and having to fight in Syria and Iraq now imagine a terrorist group that has no distractions and is armed with $63 billion worth of the best military equipment. Things are gonna get really bad in the world now. #Democrats #Afghanistan #ISIS #Taliban #Joebiden
Freedom Fighter: The only reason that the democrats are in power is because the black lives matter racists keep voting them in. They see the democrats as an easy way for them to achieve their black supremacy and don't care if a bunch of Muslim terrorists blow up all the white folk.
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Now the Taliban/Al Qaeda have an air force paid for by American tax dollars and we know what happens when they get their hands on planes!!
Its almost as though this was all planned. Isis was enabled by the west with their leader being captured and jailed and allowed to organize and set up ISIS whilst in prison together with other lunatics in the 00s and then were all set free. Now we have this crazy situation going on in Afghanistan. Surely no president is this stupid to and Biden knew exactly what he was doing by pulling out in such a way that didn't make any sense at all.
#Biden #Taliban
Its almost as though this was all planned. Isis was enabled by the west with their leader being captured and jailed and allowed to organize and set up ISIS whilst in prison together with other lunatics in the 00s and then were all set free. Now we have this crazy situation going on in Afghanistan. Surely no president is this stupid to and Biden knew exactly what he was doing by pulling out in such a way that didn't make any sense at all.
#Biden #Taliban
If shooting women dead in the streets for not wearing the Burqa or killing people for simply waving the old afghan flag are examples of the Taliban being on their best behaviour... then I dread to think what things will be like when the worlds gaze isn't focused on Afghanistan anymore in a couple months time!!! 😟 #Taliban #Afghanistan #Islam
The Chinese (the real threat to the world) are laughing so much right now at how weak the US leadership is being. This is what happens when you fill the west full of incompetent, corrupt liberal morons. United states, UK, France, Canada... the list goes on. People need to realize that the Chinese are a fast growing threat and we cannot be seen to be weak especially our military when the Chinese are actively attacking the world with biological weapons AKA COVID. We must throw out these morons in power and fight for democracy and freedoms once more. #China #Taliban #Biden
What's up buttercup: So basically for 20 years we have been training and funding the Afghanistan army FOR the Taliban's! Once the goat herders manage to work out how to use their new toys they will be one of the deadliest terrorist groups in the world.
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Joe Biden has really messed up BIG TIME!!! He has basically wasted 20 years of of sacrifice in Afghanistan and $2 trillion by pulling out in the way he has done. Now the Taliban and the rest of the terrorists will simply grow stronger and stronger and we will see more terrorism in the west as a direct result of this. When you have got people clinging onto the side of airplanes and falling to their deaths because they are so desperate to get out of the country you know how evil the Taliban are. The Taliban should never be considered a legitimate government but now the Biden administration seems willing to accept them as one.
#Taliban #Politics #Afghanistan #Biden
#Taliban #Politics #Afghanistan #Biden