The NHS are trying to get the government to impose more covid restrictions again starting with wearing facemasks (face nappies) again even though covid has mutated so much now it is more benign than ever. There is a good reason why the UK had one of the worst covid19 deaths rates in the world it is because the NHS are are just a bunch of lazy, incompetent, baby murdering (Shrewsbury scandal) overpaid Stalinists. We are now paying higher tax just to give them all a pay rise after their stupid protests during the last lockdown. I say get rid of the NHS and set up a new better health system that isn't run by these entitled, lazy incompetent morns who are constantly ruining peoples lives. #NHS #COVID #Communists
The Beijing winter Olympics opening ceremony makes me wanna puke with all the communist propaganda going on. China should never have been allowed to host the Olympics they are a scourge on humanity.
#China #Olympics #Communists
#China #Olympics #Communists
JamEs: @samanthasullivan lol looks like it is a soulless dull fest and resembles some sporting event being held in a Nazi POW camp than an Olympic games. You can see that the athletes are bored out their minds and aren't motivated at all. The commie fascists have sucked all the atmosphere and life out of the games with their covid restrictions.
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Apparently lockdowns and restrictions have only reduced covid19 mortality by 0.2% making the ABSOLUTE CRAP that we have had to endure for the past 2 years completely pointless! Covid restrictions and lockdowns have actually caused far more death from suicide, people not getting treatment for other diseases and the rise in substance abuse than anything else. The communist scum FAKE scientists in SAGE and other Stalin worshipping committees need to be trialled and then executed to stop this from happening again.
The plandemic is starting to make even more sense now as Russia and China move in to invade Ukraine and Taiwan. Thanks to the communist infiltrating fuckers (yeah I'm looking at you world health organization bastards) who have destroyed our democracy and weakened the west to such as point where we can no longer even defend ourselves they have basically set up these communists countries to take over now. America really needs to kick out Joe Biden as soon as possible and put in someone who is strong enough to fight these communist demons with lethal force not economic sanctions.
Just watched BBC news.. oh dear! Now the fake scientists are trying to use the flu to lock us all down again for winter. Saying that everyone will get bad flu and die because it hasn't been spreading as much. They said this exact same crap last year and flu never arrived. As long as people are sensible around old and vulnerable people and don't go coughing all over them everything will be fine. These fake Marxists scientist who CAUSED the pandemic all need to be shot. These communists are desperate to control our lives and take away our freedoms. #BBCNEWS #FAKENEWS #PLANDEMIC #COVID #COMMUNISTS
JamEs: @benjaminstyles yes your right and I am glad I don't think any country in the world can afford another lockdown. It wads a bit delayed but now as things are running out the real economic hit is starting because of lockdown and China messing things up.
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Lots of evidence coming out now of how the China in collaboration with US and British scientists helped create covid and intentionally spread it (read the telegraph piece of how a British scientist created covid and wanted to spread it)!!! In my view those scientists need the DEATH PENATLY for murdering millions of the most vulnerable and frail in our society. Not only have these scumbags killed so many people they have also tried to cripple our democracy and take away our freedoms with their shitty new normal. We need to send a message that this kind of thing will not be tolerated to stop other communists scum from trying this ever again. #Covid #China #Communists
JamEs: Fauci should also get the death penalty for his role in funding the Wuhan lab and then covering it all up.
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My name is Nelson Mandela: Virologists suck and have no morals!!! 😡😡😡
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farce: The reason why covid took everyone by surprise was because its not natural its a coronavirus that has been bioengineered with spikes to make it enter human cells. Covid has ruined so many peoples lives and to think that this was done deliberately is sickening to say the least. These people should not get away with it.
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Chinese communist party is celebrating 100 years of existence today. President Ping pong (I cant spell his name so that will have to do) has threatened the west with getting their "heads bashed bloody" if they try to stop him. China is also reportedly building up their nuclear arsenal.
I have no doubt at all that China started off this whole plandemic conspiring with the communist infiltrators that are in all of our countries.
It maybe harsh but if China likes playing with viruses maybe we should develop a pathogen that specifically targets "Chinese" DNA and wipe them out rather than have a nuclear war. I believe that's what the Chinese are trying to do to us with covid... isn't it rather suspect that the largest country in the world where the virus came from hardly anybody has died compared to other countries.
#China #Covid19 #Communists
I have no doubt at all that China started off this whole plandemic conspiring with the communist infiltrators that are in all of our countries.
It maybe harsh but if China likes playing with viruses maybe we should develop a pathogen that specifically targets "Chinese" DNA and wipe them out rather than have a nuclear war. I believe that's what the Chinese are trying to do to us with covid... isn't it rather suspect that the largest country in the world where the virus came from hardly anybody has died compared to other countries.
#China #Covid19 #Communists
Did you know that the a top Government SAGE adviser Professor Susan Michie, from the University College London has been a member of the British communist party for 40 years (once nicknamed “Stalin’s nanny” because she tried to smuggle Communist literature into a political conference in a baby’s pram) and has claimed that social distancing and wearing face masks should last FOREVER. It so unbelievable but true... look it up if you don't believe me.
People need to wake up these so called scientists are FULL BLOWN COMMUNISTS!
#endlockdown #Communists
People need to wake up these so called scientists are FULL BLOWN COMMUNISTS!
#endlockdown #Communists
The G7 have unveiled plans for a $40,000,000,000,000 global "green" infrastructure project. The great economic reset is here. They have taken away all of our freedoms and now they plan on reshaping the world the way they see fit! #Plandemic #Covid #Communists
yapyap: More gender neutral and feminine according to comrade Boris Johnson 🙃
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Feeling... crappy: Who voted for this? This isn't how democracy works.
The tory party (fake conservatives) have basically bought peoples votes with their furlough scheme. Paying “chosen” people not to work and to stay at home for a whole year whilst the rest of us have to work and our reward is HIGHER TAXES to pay for it all. Its a complete farce. Its communism. #Furlough #plandemic #communists