PCR tests cannot tell the difference between covid19 and other viruses this is a FACT. That is why covid cases are so high because they are basically counting all viruses as covid. It is also no mystery that people catch infections in hospitals. If you are using mass PCR tests in hospitals of course you will be getting a lot of positive results this does not mean that those people have covid and are seriously ill with it and need hospital treatment. I am not saying that covid isn't out there and isn't killing VULNERABLE and elderly people but the "scientists" are skewing the figures making covid look more infectious and deadlier than it actually is because they have vested interests on making the pandemic last for as long as possible $$$
What's up buttercup: yup. Makes me kind of fume inside as though I need them to tell me to stay safe, it is kind of insulting and condescending what do they think I plan on doing. Oh wait, no its really just about them telling you help stop the spread of this made up virus by doing your bit because were all in this together like little commies.
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Covid19 is a weapon aimed at the western middle classes. Third world countries with massive populations that provide the establishment with slave labour such as India and china are not even being affected by the plandemic however most rich western countries with have been crippled by it. Social mobility through capitalism is one of the biggest threats to the establishment. Covid19 acts as a great reset that destroys the middles classes and leaves behind mass employment and poverty ideal for the establishment to exploit and make us all their slaves like in china and India.
Covid19 is just one big hoax aimed to reset the economy and make the establishment richer and even more powerful. #covid19 #hoax
Covid19 is just one big hoax aimed to reset the economy and make the establishment richer and even more powerful. #covid19 #hoax
farce: I 100% agree. This covid19 hoax is attempt by the establishment to reset the economy so we will all be on the breadline and at the mercy of the rich and powerful. This has always been the Tories aim to destroy the middle class and to dismantle and control capitalism and the economy.
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You only have to watch the cricket on tv England vs India to see that covid19 is just a hoax for the western countries.
There are crowds and crowds of people in the stadium watching the cricket not social distancing or anything like that and India is still India (slums, no working toilets, zero sanitation cows walking around everywhere) and is coping better than all other western nations.
#covid19 #hoax
There are crowds and crowds of people in the stadium watching the cricket not social distancing or anything like that and India is still India (slums, no working toilets, zero sanitation cows walking around everywhere) and is coping better than all other western nations.
#covid19 #hoax
If hospitals are over run and haven't got a enough beds why aren't they using the nightingale hospitals for covid19 patients? Oh that's right... its because they were just an expensive publicity stunt and if they did actually use them you you could quite easily count just how few covid19 patients there actually are.
#covid19 #hoax #endlockdown
#covid19 #hoax #endlockdown
Something really fishy is going on... How can peoples still be getting covid19. Life has not been normal for months now and people are not socializing, you only have to go out and see how everything is shut and nobody is out and about to see that. So how can people still be getting the virus??? It just doesn't make any sense. I'm really starting to think that the government is fiddling the numbers to make everyone super scared and to control everyone.
#lockdown #plandemic #covid19 #hoax
#lockdown #plandemic #covid19 #hoax