Boris Johnson is trying to spin rising inflation and supply issues as just the bumpy road to a higher wage economy... he is just trying to fob everyone off yet again because he thinks we are all idiots. You have to earn a high wage economy you cannot just announce it otherwise Zimbabwe would be the richest country in the world. He is a total incompetent liar. . Its all his fault. He has botched Brexit and now is making up excuses as to why its not working. #BorisJohnson #Tories #Morons
JamEs: @benjaminstyles I know its crazy times in the UK. Whilst all this is going on he is on HOLIDAY abroad. Its is a complete joke. We have massive supply and energy issues now and he is in hiding doing nothing. In all my years I have never known a worse prime minister and my dad cannot think of anyone worse than him either including the really bad ones from the 1970's.
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JamEs: @benjaminstyles oh yeah I remember stuff like that LOL! Could it be that they are just making up these worst case scenarios just to keep themselves getting paid huge sums of money by the government. Hmmm.. I know testing companies set up by professors have made astronomical profits during all of this. Instead of saving lives these scientists are profiteering using shotgun approach's to maximise profits when they should be focusing on curing the people the virus actually kills. Donald trump had the right idea about taking something to get rid of the virus in the body but then the Fauci etc took the mick out of him saying he suggested drinking bleach which wasn't the case at all.. what Donald trump meant was anti viral drugs which aren't really being developed because drug companies don't seem to see profit in them.
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