Jeremey Farrar is a pathetic loser. He has resigned from the government scientific advisory group SAGE because he wants MORE covid restrictions and lockdowns and thinks that the government are not listening to him. Even though I do not agree with the government handling of this covid pandemic at least the government have got one thing right and have chosen to ignore this loser. He has zero scientific evidence to back up his opinions he is just a sucky communist who want to keep us under HIS thumb forever and thinks he can take down democracy and capitalism with his fake science. #Covid #SAGE #Communism
All the university students are now descending upon my city like a plague for freshers week. I would have thought that young people would be sick of communist professors telling them what to do after covid... Nope seems they want to pay them tons of money and get into debt just to be given a degree in poetry, sociology or Carl Marx studies that wont get them a proper job. Apparently even now they wont get face to face lecturing most of it will still be online LOL which makes it completely pointless anyway! Stopping funding the universities you MORONS and basically paying old fart commies to think all day and come up with garbage like the PANDEMIC and LOCKDOWN! #Universities #Communism
If climate change is real (not saying it is or isn't) maybe all these Marxist scientists should stop whining on about it telling people what to do all the time and instead actually research real solutions such as nuclear fusion technology if they feel so strongly about it.. but NO instead they would rather spend all day telling us how to cut our carbon emissions through restricting our economies and lives! Unless they start depopulating the earth restricting carbon emissions will never work anyway. Its all just Marxism. Maybe the reason for this is that these people are not scientists at all just marxists activists getting paid vast sums of money by China etc to cripple the west. #ClimateChange #Communism
All of this weird Earth day climate change nonsense is doing my head in today. Its like some kind of weird pagan druid religion now which is being forced upon us. Stop telling us all how to live our lives you bunch of tree hugging communists! #ClimateChange #Religion #Communism
Feeling... crappy: Yup ya know its just like the pandemic all about control when they are dictating what you can drive, eat etc and using taxes to force people to comply.
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The government is meant to serve you not you serve the government. All across the world democracy has been crushed... we took our freedom and democracy for granted and now the communists have taken over we will need to fight to get them back.
#Communism #Plandemic #covd19 #Lockdown #NewWorldOrder
#Communism #Plandemic #covd19 #Lockdown #NewWorldOrder
The government have no right whatsoever to take away your liberties and freedoms let alone not tell you when you will get them back! #endlockdown #communism #fuckyouborisjohnson